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Satisfaction Guarantee

At KinetiPlants we are boastfully confident in our product. How confident are we? So much that we know you'll love your product, but on the chance that you don't, we offer a money back guarantee. We give you 90 days to try out our plants, and if you decide you aren't completely satisfied, send the plant back and you will get your money back no hassle and no questions asked!

PlantCare Insurance

Do you love the thought of owning a KinetiPlant, but are apprehensive because you're worried about your plant caretaking abilities? We've got you covered! With our insurance plan, you can buy with total peace of mind. Simply add plant care insurance to your purchase before checkout, and if your plant doesn't survive, send it in and we'll replace it for you free of charge. It's a no-brainer!


golden pothos

The golden pathos produces leaves with a delightful mixture of golden-yellow and green colors. It is really quite the looker!


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birds nest fern

Playful yet sophisticated, the birds nest fern is a plant that anyone can enjoy and will look great wherever you decide to put it.


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crystal anthurium

The crystal anthurium's trademark is its heart shaped leaves that are deep green and contrasted with strikingly light veins. You won't be able to take your eyes off it!


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fiddle leaf fig

Our largest plant, the fiddle leaf fig and its large, dark green leaves will add elegance to your space and draw plenty of looks.


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lace aloe plant

Love succulents? We've got you covered. The lace aloe is a beautiful variety of aloe known for the white dots that cover its spiky leaves.


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pilea plant

Also known as the Chinese money plant, you will definitely enjoy the pilea plant for its lovely lily pad-shaped leaves.


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snake plant

Always a crowd pleaser, the snake plant is as stylish as it is easy to grow. You really can't go wrong here.


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zz plant

Who doesn't love a zz plant? Caring for one is as easy as it gets and its almost symmetrical patterned leaves are incredibly satisfying.


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