On the Origins of the Zhentarim


Originally rebound by Iosefa Elgin, a scholar excommunicated from the Church of Deneir for their heretical efforts to reconstruct the Metatext, her god’s annals of lost and hidden knowledge. Reprinted and mass produced with embossed leather cover (126 Pgs., 0.2kg).


An excerpt from chapter 1:

“…But perhaps greater still than their monopoly as the continent’s largest private army, the true achievement of the modern Zhentarim is in the sanitized image they present to the world. Viewed by most as an efficient -if unscrupulous- mercenary organization, few would gress at the Black Network’s dark origin: as a cult dedicated to the dark god Bane, once bent towards bringing all peoples to heel beneath his creed of tyranny and domination.

Many among their ranks scoff when confronted with this fact, citing overblown conspiracies and reassuring me that the only gods to whom the Zhenrarim give worship today are the twin deities profit and power. This is not to say the organization has entirely shed its dark side, however alongside the clenched fist of their military, another hand works from the shadows to ensure that the Network prospers even in peacetime. For just as vital as the movement of troops is the movement of goods, legal or otherwise, and there is no border or market that is ever truly closed to one bearing the seal of the Black Network.”

Description from here


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